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Choose your pricing plan
SM 2.5 y.o. Reg. Fee
190.75$Fee for new 2.5 year old student registrationsÂ- Paid once for the year at time of registration.
SM 3/4/5y.o. Reg Fee
201$Fee for new or returning student registrationsÂ- Paid once for the year at time of registration.
SM Sibling Reg. Fee
175.25$Discounted Registration Fee for 2nd child.Â- Only applies when a 1st child has already been enrolled.
SM 2.5 y.o. Deposit
237.25$Mon/Tues -OR- Thurs/Fri ClassÂ- May Tuition Deposit must be paid at time of registration.
SM 3 y.o. Deposit
268$Mon/Tues/Wed -OR- Wed/Thurs/Fri ClassÂ- May Tuition Deposit must be paid at time of registration.
SM 3-Day PK Deposit
278.25$Mon/Tues/Wed -OR- Wed/Thurs/Fri ClassÂ- May Tuition Deposit must be paid at time of registration.
SM 4-Day PK Deposit
329.50$Mon/Tu/Wed/Th ClassÂ- May Tuition Deposit must be paid at time of registration.
SM 5-Day PK Deposit
386.25$M/Tu/W/Th/F ClassÂ- May Tuition Deposit must be paid at time of registration.
SM 2.5 y.o. Tuition
237.25$Mon/Tues -OR- Thurs/Fri ClassValid for one month- Monthly Tuition September-April
SM 3 y.o. Tuition
268$Mon/Tues/Wed -OR- Wed/Thurs/Fri ClassValid for one month- Monthly Tuition September-April
SM 3Day PreK Tuition
278.25$Mon/Tues/Wed -OR- Wed/Thurs/Fri ClassValid for one month- Tuition for families choosing to pay month-to-month
SM 4Day PreK Tuition
329.50$Mon/Tu/Wed/Th ClassValid for one month- Monthly Tuition September-April
SM 5Day PreK Tuition
386.25$M/Tu/W/Th/F ClassValid for one month- Monthly Tuition September-April
Mech RegistrationFee
201$Fee for new or returning student registrationsÂ- Paid once for the year at time of registration.
Mech Sibling Reg.Fee
175.25$Discounted Registration Fee for 2nd child.Â- Only applies when a 1st child has already been enrolled.
Mech 3 y.o. Deposit
242$Tues/Wed/Thurs ClassÂ- May Tuition Deposit must be paid at time of registration.
Mech 3Day PK Deposit
252.50$Tuesday-Thursday ClassÂ- May Tuition Deposit must be paid at time of registration.
Mech 4Day PK Deposit
309$Tu/Wed/Th/Fri ClassÂ- May Tuition Deposit must be paid at time of registration.
Mech 3 y.o. Tuition
242$Tues/Wed/Thurs ClassValid for one month- Monthly Tuition September-April
Mech 3Day PK Tuition
252.50$Tues/Wed/Thurs ClassValid for one month- Monthly Tuition September-April
Mech 4Day PK Tuition
309$Tu/W/Th/Fri ClassValid for one month- Monthly Tuition September-April
Test Payment
1.50$Valid for 7 days- May Tuition Deposit must be paid at time of registration.
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